Green House Medical Centre

Call Now: +94 71 406 6215

During the unprecedented COVID-19 pandemic, Green House Medical Center remained steadfast in providing uninterrupted service while prioritizing the safety of both staff and patients. Adhering to government and health authority regulations, we implemented stringent measures to minimize the risk of virus transmission.

To ensure a safe environment, our team used recommended safety gear and equipment, including personal protective equipment (PPE), to prevent the spread of the virus. We conducted thorough training sessions and advanced drills to prepare our staff for real-world scenarios, ensuring they were well-equipped to handle treatments under these challenging circumstances.

In addition to on-site precautions, we adopted virtual and telephonic medicine platforms to reduce the need for in-person visits. This innovation allowed patients to receive medical consultations and follow-up care from the safety of their homes, significantly limiting their exposure to the virus.

Our commitment to safety extended beyond just following guidelines given by Dr. Rajitha Swaris. We proactively sought to create a secure and reassuring environment for everyone involved. By maintaining rigorous hygiene practices, regularly disinfecting our facilities, and screening all individuals entering the center, we upheld the highest standards of care.

Green House Medical Center’s swift adaptation to these unprecedented times reflects our dedication to patient care and staff welfare. Our ability to continue delivering essential medical services during the pandemic underscores our resilience and unwavering commitment to our community’s health.

By embracing new technologies and strict safety protocols, we not only managed to navigate through the pandemic but also set a benchmark for healthcare delivery in crisis situations. As we move forward, Green House Medical Center remains committed to providing exceptional care while ensuring the safety and well-being of all our patients and staff.